Am I nothing without others?

Sonders of a Bean
2 min readMay 12, 2022

I was in a time hanging between trying to feel connected to myself and between depending on people to offer me this sense of feeling myself by their existence.

I remembered I have read a post earlier, saying something between the lines of; “ .. some people leave and your heart leaves with them as well, — I find all myself in you and outside of you I am nothing..”.

This was telling me I couldn’t connect to myself or consider I was someone without the fond memories, without being in the life of someone, without the emotional attachment to something else out of me.

What is the writer of these lines trying to teach me? To me it seemed like these lines glorify suffering and visualize it as the ‘beautiful pain’ of how human is always long lost in the brokenness of longing to someone or something.

Miraculously, art is actually beautiful within the safe brokenness of ourselves, not in the false idea of belonging always to other parts outside of ourselves.

The life/spirit is inside you when you remember that you can feel connected to who you are, very much when you are alone without anything and anyone.

My spirit shouldn’t feel like it’s leaving me alone scattered to find myself in corners of a bookshop, in someone who went away, or longing to the memory of a past life.

Real art, beauty and reality of safety, is what I need to find in myself, sadly as cheesy as it sounds, practice to see this makes it beautiful to find life in ourselves.

And then also in me, God is there.

Then this arc of gathering, is the existence of the human, we are not in oblivion,

we have always been connected to ourselves in Oneness,

Our spirit was always there without the help of anyone,
without all the noise outside.



Sonders of a Bean

‘Sonders of a Bean’: realizing that each human is living a life as vivid and complex as my own & me trying to write these experiences through sonder & imagin.