Different feelings are okay

Sonders of a Bean
2 min readMay 20, 2022

Feelings are okay, deep feelings, are okay. You get better at them. You get better at realizing that.. you are bigger than those thoughts, as you are the beholder hence you are greater. (or lets say, you are the watcher of these thoughts only, they are not you.).
Once you give your brain the “okay”, that you are okay and you assure to your brain that these thoughts are not threats, your brain will learn that it doesn’t have to run away or panic when these thoughts arise. It doesn’t have to hide and run away. Let your brain learn to be scared around these thoughts for a while, better than a long life-time of avoiding. One day, your brain will become a neighbor to these thoughts and know how to put boundaries around them, since they come to know them very well.

It’s so complex.. yet so simple. that really, there is nothing scary.. except the excitement of fear that our brain gives us. The need to “control” what shouldn’t be. We think the world is as scary as our mind perceives it, we think we are alone, we think we will be sick and left alone even more, but once light suddenly brights up — a midst grief or loss in life we see sweetness and refuge in ourselves, in God, in people maybe, and we suddenly forget the feelings of fear we were feeling, or maybe NOT,

maybe we seem not to become near healing at all in the meanwhile.

Let us try to trust in stillness when we are very afraid. Lets us hope when we are very melancholic, let us feel beyond what our emotions limit us with.

Let us use all the positive emotions, not in a false positivity form, but remembering that during times of pain and exhausting fear, we have some small cracks in between. These small cracks are open to be filled with other emotions than we currently hold.

As these cracks are filled with some hope and mercy, you and your body might finally realize that even when you are afraid and in pain, you don’t only need those labels to survive, you do not need to be falsely threatened all the time-

you can feel a lot more than what your mind limits you with, we do not have to lose taste of the sense of strength and refuge uncovered in us while trying to fight fear and pain.

Disclaimer: this is no professional advice. If you are suffering more often than not, please consider seeking help from a professional.

-Not my photo-



Sonders of a Bean

‘Sonders of a Bean’: realizing that each human is living a life as vivid and complex as my own & me trying to write these experiences through sonder & imagin.