How we become shaped from childhood and later experiences

Sonders of a Bean
2 min readJul 26, 2022
Photo by Alexandr Voronsky on Unsplash

Shaped from childhood, different experiences later in adulthood, we come to carry ourselves with all different complexities. We may be waking everyday with a heavy heart because of a night long of panics, or crying on all that has passed or yet to be. We may even begin to experience a sore body because of the intermittent suffering. Pain in our throat of anger becomes a reminder of the critic inside us that tells us we are weak. Our heavy heart claims to us that we will never recover.

But then other days come quickly, also others so late, to run a different equation. Our mind begins to tell us it wants a new chance, our heart decides that it needs to feel different feelings. Our mind starts to perceive that some people around us are willing to listen, that there are those who love us.

What the idea is, sometimes we may never directly believe that a change must occur in us. It has always been easier to stay protected within our beliefs that we are in terms with regarding our mental illness and sufferings, that it’s more familiar and similar to us, to spend our nights of heartbreak and ache and alone more than to believe anything can ever change to the better.

But some days, our body starts to naturally ask for a different experience. It may start to believe it’s capable of feeling something else. This is when you may start to consider asking for help, from a loved one, a stranger, a professional who knows.

This is the very time when you need to hold the grip tighter. Don’t let go of this candled day, seize the welcoming and make yourself believe that this is when, where and why I will start to open my heart and live for new chances.

Both roads are hard, the believing there is no more hope and the believing of there is hope, choose what you wish your loved one deserves, because you’re also your own loved one and your own hope.



Sonders of a Bean

‘Sonders of a Bean’: realizing that each human is living a life as vivid and complex as my own & me trying to write these experiences through sonder & imagin.