We aren’t against the idea that love exists

Sonders of a Bean
1 min readMay 25, 2022

Dear readers, let’s have the difficult conversations here.

Let’s break this generational trauma bonding.

We aren’t against the idea that there is love and love exists and we that cannot live without love.

So what is wrong if we believe that love exists in a bigger form?

Both finite and infinite love are needed.

But the infinite feeds the finite. Not everyone can love us all the time. But an infinite capacity will do.

This is God

No body doesn’t want to believe in God, but we all don’t want to believe in the frightening idea of God they taught us.

We have chosen to part away from engaging with God & religion because we were taught that God no longer exists in our bad days. That we are not loved all the time. That religion is just a set, of rituals.

The belated narrative of what religion is, what God is, will not serve us but to treat these two crucial things as options and not necessities. They matter but we are forcing them by compulsion, whereas they have always been there, inside, without invitation. The heart knew.



Sonders of a Bean

‘Sonders of a Bean’: realizing that each human is living a life as vivid and complex as my own & me trying to write these experiences through sonder & imagin.